Small Batch Series
Kenya Thiriku

From the Nyeri region—famed for bright, fruity, dynamic coffees—comes the Thiriku Farmers Cooperative Society, an inspiration both in coffee quality and producer organization.
Central Kenyan coffee producers have long been troubled by financial challenges, most importantly the difficulties of making ends meet as productivity worsens. Add to this the hardships posted by exorbitant rates charged by lenders, and, unfortunately, widespread corruption across the supply chain, and the business has not been an easy one for smallholder producers in this area. Cooperatives like the more than 1000-member strong Thiriku group, however, have been able to begin to turn the tables. In partnership with the importer Trabocca, Thiriku members have been able to secure higher prices for their quality cherry—even as others in Kenya abandon their coffee crops in favor of other agricultural products. Under the guidance of Trabocca’s agronomists, productivity is on an upward trajectory, and the crop has become more sustainable for cooperative members.
We’re proud to be able to offer this complex and delicious decaf that we find to be exemplary among the region’s coffees, with a pleasing acidity and rich depth of flavor.

To find out more, please fill out the form below. We also welcome direct e-mail inquiries to Remember: these coffees have very limited availability so don't wait to reach out.