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Small Batch Series: Peru Tapir Andino Red Honey


Our newest Small Batch Series offering comes from the San Ignacio province at the top of the Cajamarca region in northern Peru, where the Rio Canchis splits the country from Ecuador. The participating farms are smallholder members of the Cooperativa Agraria Frontera San Ignacio, or COOPAFSI, an organization focused on providing coffee collection, microfinance, and marketing services to its members. The cooperative first formed in 1968, with the mission of helping further competitive, sustainable agriculture “with a sense of belonging and entrepreneurial capacity” for all involved.

Farms within the San Ignacio chapter of COOPAFSI are located in the buffer zones of environmentally protected areas, and must operate with particular sensitivity to their natural landscape. This means working with organic methodologies and certifications to ensure a commitment to protection of wildlife and native species. Local creatures that inhabit these areas include spectacled bears, cock-of-the-rocks, jaguars, and tapirs—hence the tapir’s appearance in the name of this special coffee. 

Out longtime friends and sourcing partners at DR Wakefield Coffee in the UK have long been admirers of the cooperative’s quality output, and have worked closely with COOPAFSI on advances like lot separation and processing experiments, like this Red Honey process coffee, in which about half the mucilage is left on the coffee bean before drying. This coffee is first processed on individual farms—often fermented in wooden tanks built from fallen Romerillo trees—then delivered to the cooperative’s warehouse in San Ignacio as parchment, and on to a dry mill in Chiclayo City.

We’re delighted to bring you this unique and delicious offering as a decaffeinated Small Batch coffee, with notes of raspberry, blackberry, chocolate, and stonefruit.


Interested in this or learning about any of our upcoming Small Batch offerings? Reach out to us at sales at swisswater dot com.

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